Client Journey: Before and After ZO Skincare

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Hi all!

I know we’ve posted a few times recently about client journey’s with the ZO Products – but with this one, there’s the added advantage of our first Before and After shots!

Today’s blog post really does show you the wonder that is ZO, and how it can change your life! Read on to find out more.

From the age of around 14, my skin got steadily worse with breakouts happening often, leaving my skin oily and covered in angry red spots that just wouldn’t shift. Fast-forward 4 years, and due to complications with changing my contraceptive, this hadn’t changed much at all. It was really knocking my confidence and I just didn’t know what to do.

That was until I was told about Face Clinic London and Dr. Kapoor, along with of course, the ZO products. About 3 months ago, I wouldn’t leave the house without full makeup on, and could barely even face my own family seeing me. These products however have given me so much more confidence, and have cleared my skin dramatically – to the point where I wear significantly less makeup on a day to day basis – and have, on occasion, left the house with not a speck on!

My two favourite products are the Oilacleanse and the Vitascrub. The Oilacleanse always leaves my skin feeling clean and fresh. The Vitascrub with its rough sand like texture removes the dead, flaky skin and makes my face feel lovely and smooth. The products did take a lot of time to get used to, and my skin became very dry due to the Aknetrol cream. To overcome this dryness I was told to use the Essential Daily Power Defense moisturiser, which has no added oil. This helped reduce the dryness/flakiness of my skin, and I have had no further problems since I began using it.

Combined, all of the products prescribed to me by Dr. Anita, have reduced my breakouts, dulled my scarring and left my skin feeling soft and smooth. I would recommend these products to anyone suffering with acne who lacks confidence as a result. It’s changed my life!

-Elisha Adams, August 2017

There you have it guys, a stellar review for the ZO! We can honestly say the results this client has seen are incredible, she’s off to University this year, and we are so pleased to have helped her get her confidence back for the big move!

So, what are you waiting for? If your skin is getting you down, pop in today and find out how we can help change your life!

FCL Team

After 3 months
After 4 months
Reception team
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