New Faces at Face Clinic London

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Please note, this blog was posted in 2016. Some information may have changed.

Greetings from Sunny Soho!

We hope you’ve all been enjoying the longer, brighter days and good weather we’ve been having. Here at Face Clinic London we’ve been working very hard on some new and exciting developments. There have been all manner of meetings and changes and exciting prospects for the future which we’ll tell you more about shortly. Firstly we would just to like to thank you all again for your loyalty, good wishes and glowing client feedback. We really can’t express enough how happy it makes us to hear when we’ve done a good job, so please do get in touch.


The biggest news on the bill this month is Dr Mark Lister, who joined our team of GPs here at Face Clinic London at the start of  May 2016. Mark qualified in Leeds (2006) and has been a GP since 2011, currently working as Lead GP in the Emergency Department of UCLH. Mark is providing a clinic on Wednesdays from Noon till 8pm and is currently offering a variety of treatments already provided here by Dr Kapoor and Dr Gesell. Most excitingly Dr Lister will soon bring on board additional treatments, new to Face Clinic London including Cheek Filler, Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (Vampire Facelift) and The 8 Point Face Lift. We will be covering these fantastic new treatments in our next blog as well as brand new pages on our website,so make sure you’re watching our social media channels for those updates!

Dr Sutapa Gesell has also extended her clinic on a Tuesday and is now working from Noon till 8pm. Anita would like to assure you that our team of GPs are hand picked for their dedication to patient care and safety as well as their professional integrity. Dr Anita Kapoor will continue to see clients on Thursdays (Noon till 8pm), Fridays (noon till 6pm) and Saturdays 11am till 6pm. As always book via

That’s all for now! Come and see us soon, make sure you’re following us on all our social media and our mailing list to keep up to date with all the latest news and developments and of course all the latest offers and discounts we have!

Best wishes

Matt and the Team x

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