How to Eliminate Frown Lines Part 1: What are Frown Lines

Dr Nazim MahmoodClinic update Leave a Comment

Frown lines are completely natural and begin to appear on the face as we age. They are also called glabellar frown lines and they refer to the small lines or creases (or wrinkles) that appear between the eyes as you grow older. Although they are called frown lines, they aren’t necessarily caused by excess frowning and a variety of typical …

What types of wrinkles can be treated with Botox at Face Clinic London

Dr Nazim MahmoodClinic update Leave a Comment

Wrinkles can be successfully treated with Botox, the amount of Botox used is small and extremely safe. Botox reversibly weakens the muscles responsible for dynamic wrinkles which are lines that appear when you animate your face. Static wrinkles are lines that appear at rest, these do not usually improve with Botox and may be best treated with Dermal Fillers. There …