How to Eliminate Sweating for Summer

Dr Nazim MahmoodClinic update Leave a Comment

Excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis can affect up to three per cent of the population.  There is now a quick and effective treatment which can eliminate this problem for summer. Sweating is a normal bodily function which helps to keep us cool in hot weather.  For hyperhidrosis sufferers, this body temperature regulation mechanism is exaggerated leading to them sweating markedly more …

Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) treatment with Botox at Face Clinic London

Dr Nazim MahmoodClinic update 4 Comments

Excessive armpit sweating (Hyperhidrosis) can affect both men and women and can be an embarrassing problem which may force people to change their clothes frequently, limit their social life and work life and affect their confidence. Botox injections can be used as a treatment for armpit sweating. The treatment takes around 20 minutes and involves multiple small injections just under …