Client Journey: My First Time… with Botox ® Wrinkle Treatment

Reception teamUncategorized 2 Comments

We love hearing about our clients’ experiences here at Face Clinic London, one of our clients who has a way with words wrote this fab little piece for us. Have a read of this clients first experience with Botox® : “It happens to all of us, one day you wake up and suddenly realise your forehead just isn’t the same. …

Wrinkle Treatments are Changing our Clients Lives

Reception teamUncategorized Leave a Comment

Hello All, After 7 years in the aesthetic industry I still find the most rewarding part of my job here involves treating new clients who are considering taking a leap into the world of non permanent cosmetic procedures. Their story often reminds me of the reason I went to learn how to administer these treatments- to treat my own frown! …

10 Expert Tips to help you Find a Good and Reputable Botox Clinic in London

Dr Nazim MahmoodClinic update 24 Comments

In the last fifteen years the use of Botox®  for wrinkle treatment has grown rapidly to become one of the most popular and frequently used non surgical cosmetic treatments.  Choosing a Botox® clinic in London who is an experienced practitioner for the first time can be difficult; however, there are a few simple things that you can look out for …

How to Eliminate Sweating for Summer

Dr Nazim MahmoodClinic update Leave a Comment

Excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis can affect up to three per cent of the population.  There is now a quick and effective treatment which can eliminate this problem for summer. Sweating is a normal bodily function which helps to keep us cool in hot weather.  For hyperhidrosis sufferers, this body temperature regulation mechanism is exaggerated leading to them sweating markedly more …

Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) treatment with Botox at Face Clinic London

Dr Nazim MahmoodClinic update 4 Comments

Excessive armpit sweating (Hyperhidrosis) can affect both men and women and can be an embarrassing problem which may force people to change their clothes frequently, limit their social life and work life and affect their confidence. Botox injections can be used as a treatment for armpit sweating. The treatment takes around 20 minutes and involves multiple small injections just under …