Young make using skincare products to keep skin looking young and healthy

BROTOX – Botox for Men

Anti Wrinkle Treatment for Men For years demand from men for anti wrinkle treatment has increased – by almost 400% in the last 20 years. These days anti wrinkle treatment is a firmly established part of many a mans ‘man-tenance’ programme. At Face Clinic London’s central location in Soho we have established a large and loyal male client base and …

Non Invasive Treatments for Shaping the Face

When people think of Botox® (Botulinum toxin injections), most will commonly associate it with smoothing wrinkles and improving the appearance of the skin. However, there are other uses, less widely known, which can have equally as pleasing aesthetic benefits, as well as medical benefits too. One such use is to alter the shape of the jawline. A square jaw is …

Wrinkle Treatments are Changing our Clients Lives

Hello All, After 7 years in the aesthetic industry I still find the most rewarding part of my job here involves treating new clients who are considering taking a leap into the world of non permanent cosmetic procedures. Their story often reminds me of the reason I went to learn how to administer these treatments- to treat my own frown! …

ZO Skin, Healthy Skin

You may have seen the luxe blue and silver packaging on our shelves, or seen us tweet about our tried and tested products, but how much do you really know about the new skincare range that’s taken our clinic by storm? ZO Skin Health and ZO Medical are the creations of Dr. Zein Obagi – Medical Director of the ZO …